If you’re like most of our athletes here at Organic Coaching, your days are busy and you’re short on time. Because of this you really want the efforts of your training to go a long way. You want to make sure every minute counts. We want to help you stop stalling your progress!
Sometimes our athlete’s efforts don’t always line up with their outcome. But this disconnect isn’t due to a lack of training or a desire to do well.
The disconnect that we see comes mainly from mindset! Over nearly a decade of coaching triathletes, we have narrowed down the 4 major ways that athletes stall their own progress. (Good news is: it’s a quick change to get back on track!).
Mistake #1, Overthinking: When you spend too much time overthinking you waste valuable time and energy. When you overthink your training schedule you can get stuck in the planning stage. Rather than just taking the needed actions.
The fix: Write out your goal and your plan ONCE and post it somewhere you can see it daily. This way if your tendency is to overthink and over planning then you can quickly remind yourself that you’ve already set your goal and your training schedule and quickly get back to taking action.
Mistake #2, Fear of Change: Are you focusing on “what could go wrong” OR “what if it goes right”?! When you set big goals (like crushing your PR in your next race) it can be scary.
The fix: Anytime you find yourself fearing change or obsessing about what could go wrong. Take a deep breath and remember the last time you meet a big goal. It likely opened up a whole new way of being or thinking. Rather than fearing the change – embrace it! Remember that you will continue to adapt and grow.
Mistake #3, Getting Caught Up in the Past: Focusing on what your body used to be like, 1, 5, or even 10 years ago, is a major limitation that many athletes face. It is so easy to want your body to do and move how it use to. But this can really stall your progress. If you try to rush your body to train how it use to you’re actually more likely to cause injury and further stall your progress.
The fix: Practice radical self-acceptance and focus on how you can train your body today. When you focus on meeting your body where it is your training efforts are likely to have a greater impact on your endurance and ability.
Mistake #4: Negative Self-Talk: We’re our own biggest critics. By getting stuck in negative self-talk we can limit our own abilities. Remember that your mind is powerful! What you believe is possible, is what is possible.
The fix: Practice gratitude and positive self-talk. If you wouldn’t say something to your friend, then don’t say it to yourself. Remember you are worthy. You are good enough! You are capable.
Do you see yourself in any of these? Our hope is that this will help you from stalling your progress.