18 Road Bike Safety Tips Every Triathlete Needs To Know

Sadly, it’s pretty common to hear of accidents involving bikes and vehicles in the news. As triathlete coaches, we take our athlete’s safety very seriously and want to be a part of making road cycling a safer sport. That’s why we’re collected 18 of our best bike safety tips that every triathlete needs to know.

Before your next ride, be sure to read through these 18 road bike safety tips to make sure you’re doing everything you need to do to ensure your safety. Then help be a part of the solution – share these road bike safety tips with the triathletes and cyclists in your community to help keep the road bike community safe!

17 Road Bike Safety Tips Wear a helmet.

Saftey Tip #1: Wear a helmet

This is the single most important piece of safety gear available to cyclists. Helmets with the MIPS system can be even more effective. Bottom line: always wear a helmet.

Saftey Tip #2: Add a bright headlight and taillights to your bike to ensure that drivers can see you.

Keep it on in all light conditions, and have it flashing during the day. Bonus idea: wear a vest with lights, like the Noxgear Tracer 360.

Safety Tip #3: Always wear bright clothing.

We suggest bright clothing like neon yellow or green. Make sure you’re wearing at least one piece of bright clothing, to help people see you!

Road Bike Safety Tip #4: Try to make eye contact with the driver.

This is particularly important at intersections. When you make eye contact with the driver, you know that they are aware of your location.

Safety Tip #5: Ride on the correct side of the road.

On a bike, this means you are riding with traffic, not against it. When you’re running, run against traffic. This matters, because drivers are used to checking for traffic in a particular way, if you’re riding on the incorrect side of the road, the odds of being noticed decreases.

Road Bike Saftey Tip #6: Use a rearview mirror.

A rearview mirror helps you see and notice the cars coming up from behind. This gives you time to prepare for the car to pass, to move closer to the side of the road, and to react if you need to. There are tons of varieties for rearview mirrors, such as ones that attach to helmets, sunglasses, handlebars or wrists. Find one that works for you!

Want to go the extra mile?

Think about using the Garmin Varia rear radar mirror. The radar will connect to your computer or watch, and give you notifications as traffic approaches. The system can also show you a rough estimate of how close the vehicle is getting to your bicycle. One limit to standard rearview mirrors is how well you can see clearly in a small mirror, which is vibrating as you travel down the road. The Garmin system provides an alternative to this and can offer better visibility.

Road Bike Safety Tip #7: Don’t ride on the sidewalks.

Crossing intersections while riding on the sidewalk can be dangerous, and drivers might not be looking for you. Also, there may be pedestrians walking with dogs, and it can be unpredictable.

Safety Tip #8: Be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to all possible hazards.

It’s amazing the number of hazards that can threaten road bike safety when we’re not paying attention. By paying attention to your surroundings (eyes and ears!) you’ll be able to notice and react to things before they become an issue!

Tip #9: Obey all traffic laws!

There’s no need to put yourself at risk by not following the laws.

Bike Saftey Tip #10: Choose wisely when picking your route and planning your ride. 

Try to avoid high traffic areas and roads, and areas with a narrow area to travel and the potential for blind spots.

Tip #11: Sometimes it’s beneficial to take the whole lane.

Intersections are a good example of this. Being right out there makes you easier for drivers to see. If you’re not sure what other situations would be beneficial to do this in, ask your coach or inside our Facebook group!

Bike Safety Tip #12: Signal your turns.

Always let drivers know what you plan on doing, just as if you were behind the wheel of a car yourself.

Saftey Tip #13: Many ride with music, but for safety, it can be beneficial to hear your surroundings.

If you do want to listen to music, consider a small Bluetooth speaker or open ear headphones like bone-conducting Aftershokz.

Tip #14: Safety Mindset

Ride with the mindset that you are invisible to the drivers around you; that they cannot or will not see you. This will help you to bike defensively.

Saftey Tip #15: Always be prepared!

Carry some form of ID with your emergency contact listed in case of an accident, Road ID or something similar is a great option. Always bring your phone with you in case you need to call for help.

Bike Saftey Tip #16: Use tech

Download an app on your phone, or buy something that automatically tracks your location and progress and can send a message to an emergency contact if you stop for too long or if there is an indication of an accident. There are apps for your phone, watches or bike computers that also have these features, as well as some helmets that now have this capability. Most of these will even send GPS coordinates to help find you.

Bike Saftey Tip #17: Communication

Always tell someone where you’re going and a rough estimate on how long you will be out.

Tip #18: When in doubt, ride inside!

Another great option which is almost 100% guaranteed you won’t have an accident, is to ride inside. With a smart trainer and apps like Zwift and Rouvy, you can get in just as good of a workout if not better, inside as you would outside.

Your safety should be your #1 priority, especially when you’re out doing what you love (ie. training!). To keep yourself safe, be sure to keep these 18 tips on the top of your mind every time you head out for a ride.

Of the 18 tips, how many do you do regularly? Pin this for when you need a reminder of road bike safety!

Learn more about how to stay safe as a triathlete while running!

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Carly and Tyler Guggemos built Organic Coaching in 2014 with a simple philosophy that works. The idea is to take what you have and grow it to get faster, fitter and stronger. And to do it with the time you have – not the time you wish you had.

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