4 Tips for running in the rain

It’s essential to run in the rain because you never know what race day conditions will bring! It’s important to get comfortable in all different weather conditions (as long as it’s safe). You just have to embrace you’re going to get wet when running in the rain. Because after all, what if it rains on race day?

Wear a hat

A hat with a bill will help keep the rain off your face and going straight into your eyes. If it’s raining and cold outside you can always add a headband or hat over it to cover your ears.

No cotton

Cotton absorbs up to 27x its weight in water. You do not want cotton in your rainy-day wardrobe, including socks, shirts, and hats. Instead, opt for a moisture-wicking material.

Stay visible

Rain reduces visibility and you want to be seen by drivers! Always remember, that just because you can see a car doesn’t mean it can see you as well. Wear bright neon colors or accents to increase your visibility to others. Wearing a blinker or flashing light can help to catch attention. Lastly, run on the side of the road heading towards traffic.

Embrace it

Leave the rain jacket at home unless it’s also raining and very cold. Otherwise, your rain gear will only end up trapping heat and sweat and you’ll be miserable (and wet anyways). Change your thinking from “ugh, running in the rain sucks” to “heck yes, here I am, running in the rain like a badass and getting the of staying cooler thanks to the rain”.

If you can think like a kid, you’re going to have a much better day. Once your shoes are wet, embrace it and jump in the puddles, laugh about it and just charge on! You won’t dry out, so no point in trying to side step it.

Obviously, the huge caveat to this is DO NOT RUN IF IT’S NOT SAFE. Lighting, thunderstorms, hail, high winds, close to zero visibility. Always better safe than sorry, don’t put your life at risk simply to “get your run in”. But if the rainy day conditions don’t meet these criteria, it’s generally safe to head out.

-Coach Carly


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Carly and Tyler Guggemos built Organic Coaching in 2014 with a simple philosophy that works. The idea is to take what you have and grow it to get faster, fitter and stronger. And to do it with the time you have – not the time you wish you had.

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