If you’re like me, you may suffer from some sinus issues like a stuffy or runny nose after an open water swim. You are not alone! Many athletes suffer from this condition. Multiple things can cause the nose to become irritated during or after an open water swim. Allergens and other chemical irritants can have a major impact.
Common irritants for swimmers include:
- chlorine (pool swimming)
- Algae
- Pollen
- Bacteria
- Perfume
- Lotion
- other chemicals
These irritants may come from pollen from nearby plants and trees, nearby farms with livestock, large groups of animals that frequent the area like geese, algae blooms, or nearby factories that may be releasing pollutants into the air or water. These irritants find their way into the upper respiratory system causing a runny and/or stuffy nose.
There are ways to help avoid and treat sinus issues after an open water swim. The first method is to exhale out your nose while swimming. You can read more about proper breathing while you swim HERE. Another option is to use a nose clip. For a lot of athletes, this option makes breathing while swimming more difficult and inefficient. But depending on how bad your sinus issues are might be an option worth considering. Don’t forget when choosing a place to swim try to avoid stagnant water areas where these irritants (listed above) may sit and slowly build up. Lastly, nasal sprays, oral decongestants, and allergy medication before swimming can help prevent these issues.