6 Actionable Tips on Running Saftey

As an employee working in the chemical industry, safety is always treated as the #1 priority above all else. Safety is also extremely important when it comes to running as well. 

Here are some key tips when it comes to running safely:

  1. Road/sidewalk: It is best to run on the sidewalk if it is available. This is to prevent any contact with bikes or cars. If you do have to run on the road, make sure to run on the side against traffic. This way cars are visible from a distance giving the runner enough time to step aside and predict the vehicle’s behavior.
  2. Running solo: If you do a lot of running on your own, it is a good practice to tell your significant other/housemate or someone who lives nearby when and where you are running. It is recommended to share your whereabouts with the people you trust in the event something happens. Some applications can even provide live tracking if you share your location. Also, it is encouraged to run in groups for your safety (Pre-covid).
  3. Running at night: When running at night, it is important to make sure you are visible. Wear bright colors, reflective and illuminated gear. Light-up running vests, headlamps, clip-on-lights, knuckles lights, reflective straps are all good options to remain visible. 
  4. Stay attentive: Scan your surroundings while running. Pay special attention when approaching intersections with vehicles. While running with music is great for motivation, it can also be distracting. Consider not running with music or turning the volume down especially in unfamiliar areas. 
  5. Extra Protection: For extra peace of mind, bringing your phone and handheld mace. In the event, you get lost, need to make a phone call, or feel threatened. 
  6. Identification: In the event, there is a medical emergency. It is helpful for first responders to know your emergency contacts and medical conditions or allergies. The best place for this information is on the Road ID tag which can go on your watch, shoe, or as a bracelet.

These tips are to prepare you for the unexpected. They can also give you and your loved one’s peace of mind when training.

-Coach Val

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Carly and Tyler Guggemos built Organic Coaching in 2014 with a simple philosophy that works. The idea is to take what you have and grow it to get faster, fitter and stronger. And to do it with the time you have – not the time you wish you had.

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