If this year you are looking to train for a longer distance than you have previously, or maybe your first triathlon. Understanding how much time you will be committing to this new goal is important for setting realistic expectations. As well as time management techniques. Below we have put together a general guideline of how much consistent weekly training volume to expect for each distance of triathlon from Sprint to Full Ironman when preparing for your next big race.
Sprint Triathlon
Sprint Distance Triathlon four to eight hours per week.
You can expect to consistently train five to six days a week. Plan to do each sport at least two times a week. Long session days can last up to 90 minutes. Remember, training should be consistent.
Olympic Distance
Olympic Distance Triathlon eight to twelve plus hours per week.
You can expect to train six or seven days a week. With frequency and duration increased compared to training for a sprint triathlon. The duration of intensity also increases as compared to a sprint triathlon. If you are training seven days per week, one day should be an easy active recovery training day.
Half Ironman (70.3) Distance
Half Ironman (70.3) eight to fifteen plus hours per week.
You can expect to train six to seven days per week. Plan to be able to commit at least eight hours a week starting. Depending on your goals and pace, long runs during peak training could be over two hours long. The long bike and run days (bricks) could be up to four to five hours.
Full Ironman (140.6) Distance
Full Ironman (140.6) ten to twenty-plus hours per week.
You can expect to train six to seven days per week and maintain ten hours a week starting. Ramping up to nearly twenty hours a week for peak training. Long bike and run days (bricks) can be up to/over seven hours depending on your goals. Also depending on goals swim workouts can last up to 90 minutes. When considering an Ironman it is key to ensure you have appropriate time to fit training into life.
The weekly training time above can vary largely depending on the athlete’s individual goals, time to train, and other responsibilities. Keep in mind that the training durations above are to be used as a guide and not the rule. Goals ranging from setting a personal best time at the distance to finishing a new distance can largely change these training numbers and the time needed to dedicate towards training.

As you are preparing for your next big race before committing to a new race distance or your first triathlon. Ask yourself these questions to make sure you can dedicate the time to proper training.
Questions to ask:
- What is my history in this sport, am I ready for this new distance?
- What are my fitness and racing goals?
- What is the forecast for my career commitments in the coming year?
- What family commitments and events are planned for the coming year?
As you map out the races you would like to do for next year it’s important to meet with your family and the ones closest to you and have a discussion about exactly how much time will be committed to your goals. Discuss the daily commitments, how long big training days will be, and what training looks like during peak volume. Having this conversation before signing up can help you and your family set expectations and make a plan.
As you are preparing for your next big race and mapping out your racing year. Make sure the distance of the race you plan to compete in matches up with your time available to train and goals. Have a conversation with the ones closest to you before signing up and make a plan to ensure that the proper time can be committed to training.