What InsideTracker Taught Me

Just like other athletes, I am always searching for ways to improve my performance. Through that continuing journey of always wanting to improve, I found InsideTracker

This spring Coach Carly and I opted to give InsideTracker a try to see the areas where we could improve our health and fitness.

What is InsideTracker?

InsideTracker, “the ultra-personalized nutrition system,” compiles data from DNA tests, blood samples, and reported lifestyle and nutrition habits. All that information is compiled and InsideTracker creates a custom science-backed action plan. The goal is to optimize your body so you can live longer, feel better, and perform to your potential!

How does it work?

With multiple tests to choose from, we went with the Inner Age 2.0 package. This included setting up a blood draw at a local lab and working through a questionnaire all about your lifestyle (nutrition, sleep, exercise). After the post-blood draw, our samples were sent out from the lab and a couple of weeks later we received our results. 

The Results

I have been racing triathlons for a decade now. For much of that time, outside of eating a quality healthy diet. I did not think much more about food to improve my health and well-being. As a coach, I know that we can always find areas in our life outside of sport to improve performance.

With that, I was excited to log in and see my posted results and the suggestions for areas that needed attention. When I opened the results, I found that there were plenty of areas in my that I could work on. Everything is laid out in a color-coded system (red = at risk, yellow = needs work, green = good). Each section had a description of that biomarker. A lineup of foods that impact it, and a list of recommendations for improving your score. To go even deeper, many of the biomarkers feature science tabs, links to sources, and relevant blog posts, with short explanatory videos.

This is what I felt made the investment worth it. The suggestions on what to do and action steps for my areas needing improvement. For myself, two areas that stood out to me where I was lacking and needed improvements were my iron levels and lipid group. Ready to make a change I jumped into action. Now months later, I had another blood test and was glad to see my actions taken from the initial test results had paid off. Improving on all areas that needed attention or improvement. In combination with our nutritionist at Organic Coaching, Coach Dana. I have improved my overall health inside and outside of sport.

-Coach Tyler

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Carly and Tyler Guggemos built Organic Coaching in 2014 with a simple philosophy that works. The idea is to take what you have and grow it to get faster, fitter and stronger. And to do it with the time you have – not the time you wish you had.

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