Time To Toss Last Summer’s Sunscreen


3 Signs You Need To Toss Your Sunscreen

We’re here to help give you some sure tell signs you need to toss your sunscreen.

First off, sunscreen does expire. Every bottle of sunscreen is required to include an expiration date directly on the bottle. So, simply checking your bottle’s expiration is a great start. Most sunscreens, including our Sun Barrier SPF 45 have a 2 year expiration period.  

Go ahead. Check yours now… we’ll be here when you’re done. 

What if it’s close to or has just expired? Do you need to get rid of it? 

Here are 3 signs that it’s time to toss your sunscreen:

1. You squeeze out thin watery liquid or lumps.

This means the ingredients have separated and are likely spoiled. When your sunscreen ingredients separate it becomes less effective and may not evenly apply to your skin. Thus, increasing your chance of sunburns, sun damage, and skin cancer development.  

2. You’re using a chemical sunscreen. 

Chemical sunscreens contain ingredients such as oxybenzone, avobenzone, and homosalate. These ingredients can oxidize and reduce their efficacy. Mineral sunscreens (like Sun Barrier, we had to…) which include zinc oxide or titanium dioxide won’t have this problem. Note, mineral sunscreens do expire and should be assessed just the same as chemical sunscreens. 

3. Something smells or looks funky.

When sunscreen ingredients break down and spoil they can emit strange odors and become discolored. If your sunscreen has a weird color or odd smell, toss it! 

Bonus tip: Keep your sunscreen in a cool place to help prolong its shelf life. Avoid stashing your sunscreen in direct sunlight or in hot places, like your car.   

In short, if it feels, smells, or looks funky, TOSS IT! And get a nice and fresh tube. 

Because I think we all agree, it’s not worth compromising your or your family’s sun safety to save some money or a trip online to stock up. 

Stay sun safe & educated! 

Oh, and we know where you can stock up today! 🙂 


Sun Barrier 3 oz  & Reef Safe — TSA size approved 

Sun Barrier 32 oz — includes a handy pump Sun Barrier (12) pocket packets & Reef Safe — take on-the-go

sunscreen and water

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Carly and Tyler Guggemos built Organic Coaching in 2014 with a simple philosophy that works. The idea is to take what you have and grow it to get faster, fitter and stronger. And to do it with the time you have – not the time you wish you had.

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