“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.”
-Henry Ford
The quote above from Henry Ford has come true for me more times than I would like to admit. It especially applies to us as triathletes. If you’ve been struggling to stay motivated while training, especially when running, this post is for you.
Thoughts When Running
Today we are going to narrow it down to just the run for this. What you believe about yourself as a runner, will absolutely come true. We all have our own unique journey that we write for ourselves. Take a moment and be completely honest with yourself: Is my self-talk positive or negative while running?
If you are continuing to fill your head with negative thoughts, you will experience just that in both training and racing. If you choose to do the opposite and think positive and that you can, you will find yourself doing extraordinary things!
The Dreaded Training Session
I have really struggled with running throughout my triathlon journey. I would dread running during training and especially getting off the bike on race day. I would fill my head with negative “I can’t do this” thoughts and think “just hold on, here they come” and you know what, it usually comes true. A wise mentor once told me “train with joy or not at all”. Frankly, if there is no joy, why train? Over the last few years, I have found myself slowly finding joy in the journey and falling in love with the process of running. This has come from positive “I can” self-talk and dialling in a running plan that works best for me and my body.
Think Motivated. Be Motivated.
I believe that what we think to ourselves is exactly what we get. Keep your thoughts positive, find an affirmation that fits your personality and repeat that over, and over, and over again to yourself. It can be as simple as “I can” or “I can and I will”. There is no better place to put this into action than our daily training.
Don’t go out and slog through training to keep up with Instagram, Facebook, or any other social media platform. Remember why you run and why you enjoy it. Don’t feel like you need to validate yourself as a runner. Do it for you! When running becomes about you, your own health, happiness, and self-fulfillment you have found your positive self-talk. Running is about the journey and I want mine to be filled with grit, determination, life balance, and truly loving the process. Not the fear of being run down by someone, self-doubt, or negative self-talk. How will you write your journey?
Focus On Yourself
In running we always want to find our best selves, make sure your main focus reflects that. Find joy in the miles, fall in love with the process and remember to always think “I can” over “I can’t”.