Preparing for your first triathlon

Many things go into a successful race, including preparing for your first triathlon. Not just the training for it. You need to be prepared and practice many things to make sure your day goes according to plan and smoothly. 

Fueling and Hydration

One of the main things you need to do to prepare for race day is to plan your fueling and hydration strategy. You need to know that what you will be using on race day will not sideline your race because your body can not handle it. This is easy to do. Practice while doing your workouts.

Bike Repair

Knowing basic bike repair can save you a lot of time on race day if an issue arises. Many races may have support out there to help you get your bike back on the road but you don’t know how long you will be stuck waiting on them. Take the time to learn how to fix a flat or a broken chain. Get to know a little bit about your bike. Many local bike shops will hold classes to teach people how to do this. If this is not an option the internet is a great resource. There are numerous articles and videos covering this topic.


Swim, bike, and running are not the only part of the race. The clock is still ticking while you are in transition.  This should be practiced before race day. You can set up a makeshift transition area and just practice switching gear from swim to bike and bike to run. Practice taking off your wetsuit and getting your helmet and bike shoes on quickly. Practice going from bike to run including a bib belt if you plan on using one. You can practice this while doing brick workouts also.

Nothing New On Race Day

One thing I see at every race I do is at least one person wearing something they bought at the expo for that race. As you are preparing for your first triathlon you do not have to train all the time in what you plan to wear on race day, but at least try it out a few times. Wearing something that you have not worn before may lead to a very miserable day due to being very uncomfortable or causing bad chafing. Nothing new on race day.

Double Check Gear

Always go through all your gear and make sure it is in working order before the race. Ride your bike and shift through all the gears. Make sure it shifts smoothly. Check that the brakes are working fine. Clean and lube your chain before this last bike check ride. Double-check the hydration system you plan on using. Make sure everything is secure and not leaking. Practice using your watch in tri-mode and know what buttons you need to do to advance it. Check your swim equipment. Are your goggles in good condition without any signs of small cracks in the seals, nose piece, or strap? Is your wetsuit in good working order without any rips? Look over the conditions of your run and bike shoes. Are they in good shape? Cleats in good condition and tight.

Lastly, with all the technology we use these days, we have plenty of electronics. Make sure you have good batteries in everything or if rechargeable make sure they are fully charged. We hope these tips help as you are preparing for your first triathlon.

-Coach David

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Carly and Tyler Guggemos built Organic Coaching in 2014 with a simple philosophy that works. The idea is to take what you have and grow it to get faster, fitter and stronger. And to do it with the time you have – not the time you wish you had.

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