Importance of Warm Up and Cool Down

As athletes, we are always looking for ways to improve and stay healthy. Yet many overlook the importance of warm up and cool down before and after a workout. This is a simple thing to do that makes a big difference in your overall performance. All it takes is a little time and costs nothing.

If you’re one of those people who skip a proper warm-up and cool down despite your better judgement, then this article is for you! There are so many benefits to taking the time to warm up and cool down, and we’re hoping to convince you to commit to warming up and cooling down. At every single workout!

Benefits of a Proper Warm Up

Performing an active warm-up before a workout or race raises the temperature in your muscles. This increases your body temperature which speeds up your metabolic processes and your energy supply.

The increased muscle temperature will decrease muscular resistance. Muscles will be able to contract faster and stronger. Which will be very beneficial for a race. (What triathlete doesn’t want to be faster and strong?!)

Doing a warm-up will also increase cardiac output and increase respiratory volume. This creates higher oxygen uptake.

Many studies have shown that an active warm-up reduces the risk of injury. Warmed-up body tissue has been shown to be more resilient. This is particularly useful before doing fast explosive muscular contractions.  

Incorporating warm-ups for your workouts can be easy. Start with some dynamic stretching. Then start your workout with an easy effort for 5-15 minutes. Before a race try to do this as close to the start as possible.

Benefits of a Proper Cool Down

Cooling down is just as important as the warm-up and it doesn’t have to take a long time. That little bit of time will go a long way to help start the recovery process.

Doing a cool down allows your heart rate to return to normal slowly. This can help avoid lightheadedness or a feeling of faintness.

Exercise makes you breathe harder. A proper cool-down allows your breath to gradually return to the same rhythm it had been before you started. 

One of the most important benefits of exercise is improved confidence. Your cool down is a great opportunity for you to reflect on your accomplishment. This can promote a sense of relaxation.

The heart is an amazing muscle but can use some help sometimes. During exercise, the heart is pumping blood at an accelerated rate. Stopping suddenly can lead to blood pooling in your lower extremities because the heart is still pumping hard but is no longer getting help from your leg muscles to return the blood. During the cool down your muscles will help circulate that blood and deliver fresh oxygenated blood to your muscle. This is where the recovery process begins. 

Cooling down can be as simple as slowing down your pace or even walking for 5-10 minutes. Stretching after this will really help also.

Take Action

Chances are you’ve always known that warming up and cooling down are important parts of training. However, so many triathletes still ignore these steps. Now that you’re clear on exactly what the importance of warm up and cool down are, commit to adding it to every single training session.

Happy Training!

-Coach David

READ MORE: Simple Injury Prevention That Works

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Carly and Tyler Guggemos built Organic Coaching in 2014 with a simple philosophy that works. The idea is to take what you have and grow it to get faster, fitter and stronger. And to do it with the time you have – not the time you wish you had.

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