How To Maintain Weight as an Athlete

In the off-season, exercise decreases, the appetite may not. As a triathlon coach, I find that this is the time of year athletes start to ask a lot of questions regarding weight loss and how to maintain weight as an athlete.

Not being a Registered Dietitian, I typically shy away from the subject or give general recommendations. However, with these questions being abundant this year here are some of my personal “life hacks” and tips to help manage off-season weight loss and how to maintain weight as an athlete.

Have a Weight Loss Goal and Plan of Action

If you say you want to lose weight, make a realistic goal. Is that 5 pounds, 10 pounds, or maybe more? Once you have your goal, break it down into smaller goals. For example 0.5-1 lb weight loss per week.

Then think about how will you track this goal? Stepping on the scale once or maybe twice a week helps to focus the mind when making good choices. There are also great apps to help count calories such as MyFitnessPal. Whatever stage you may be in, set a goal and a plan of action otherwise it’s too easy to fall back on bad habits. 

Improve Diet Quality

Increasing the overall quality of your diet is the simplest way to shed excess body fat. That means getting started by eliminating all soda, alcohol, candy, cakes, chips, sweets, and all the junk food. Then eating more high-quality foods: vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, lean meats and fish, whole grains.  It’s simple, but focusing on the quality of your foods is one of the most effective ways to maintain weight as an athlete.

Nutrient Timing For Weight Loss

The most important times of the day to eat are breakfast and within 45 minutes after a workout because calories consumed at these times are less likely to be stored as fat and more likely to be used for energy needs and recovery. You should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and dinner like a peasant. You can also time your meals around your workouts. Instead of a recovery drink within 60 minutes of a workout, time your training to end at mealtime and eat one of your meals for recovery. This can help eliminate 200-400 calories from your daily intake without any drawbacks.

Maintain Weight By Setting a Cut-Off Grazing Time

Setting a cut-off time for eating helps to eliminate snacking while watching TV in the evening or scrolling through the internet. A cut-off time should be 2-3 hours before you go to bed. This may be 7:00, 8:00, or 9:00 pm depending on when you go to bed. This gives the body time to digest your dinner so you don’t go to bed with a full stomach and you will wake up hungry and ready for breakfast. The most important meal of the day. (Not sure what to eat for breakfast? Here’s how to craft the perfect smoothie).

Just like training, weight management should be taken one day at a time and requires lots of dedication and patience.

What off-season goals are you working on right now? Let us know on Instagram!

-Coach Carly

Lose weight as an athlete with these 4 effective life hacks.

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Carly and Tyler Guggemos built Organic Coaching in 2014 with a simple philosophy that works. The idea is to take what you have and grow it to get faster, fitter and stronger. And to do it with the time you have – not the time you wish you had.

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