Breathing Technique: Running

Proper breathing techniques can lead to better body position and enhanced performance. In honor of proper breathing while swimming, biking, and running we are doing a 3 part series focusing on proper technique in each sport. This week we will close out the series with running. 

Body Position

A good breathing technique in running starts with a proper body position, just like when swimming and cycling. Running tall with an open chest gives room for your lungs to expand. Simply look forward and run tall. If you find yourself looking at your feet there is a good chance you are hunched over and limiting your lung’s room to expand down. Breathing with your belly is the most efficient way to run. Pushing your diaphragm down allows the most air to enter your lungs. In return, this gives your body time to use the oxygen you inhale as exhalation time is prolonged. 

Rhythmic Breathing

Rhythmic breathing is key when running. Running relies on a lot of moving parts working together for an efficient, fatigue-resistant, and injury-free stride. Breathing is also part of this rhythm. Efficient breathing can be accomplished when paired with step count. Such as a 3:2 ratio where you breathe in for 3 steps and out for 2 steps. The 3:2 ratio is often best for long or easy-moderate-paced runs. For faster tempo or race pace efforts a 2:1 is often better suited to accommodate the higher workload. Notice how both ratios are not equal. This is to help keep us balanced so we are not inhaling and exhaling on the same side of our bodies for the whole run, instead alternating sides. 

When you head out for your next run monitor how you breathe during different efforts. Such as warm-up, aerobic, and speed work efforts. Take some time on your warm-ups and hone in on your breathing to make you a more efficient and balanced runner. 

-Coach Tyler


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Carly and Tyler Guggemos built Organic Coaching in 2014 with a simple philosophy that works. The idea is to take what you have and grow it to get faster, fitter and stronger. And to do it with the time you have – not the time you wish you had.

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