The Ultimate Guide To Bike Trainer Season

Sometimes riding outside just isn’t an option due to weather, time of day, or time available. Here is your guide to make the most out of time spent on the trainer, whether it’s once in a while or all winter long. It doesn’t have to be a mind-numbing experience, riding on the trainer can actually be a great way to get in some quality work in a short amount of time. So let’s get spinning!

The Space.

Setting up your trainer in a space, make it work for you! There are two main things to think about when setting your trainer space, time and efficiency for getting your rides in. We are always about keeping things as easy, efficient, and time-saving as possible here. So as you are picking a space consider if you can leave it as is, or will you have to take the trainer down and put it away between uses? If you can keep it up and as is, that will save you the most time throughout the week. The next thing is to think about how you will entertain yourself. Will you watch TV or a movie? Will this be on an actual TV or computer? Maybe you like listening to music or podcasts? Make sure you have your entertainment set up and ready to go. Then think about air movement and the space beneath you. When riding outdoors natural airflow helps evaporate sweat, but when you’re training indoors that is not the case. So set up a fan that you can feel and provide airflow. Even with that we still tend to sweat, so keep a towel close by to wipe away sweat from your face and eyes and place a good mat beneath you to prevent sweat from soaking into the carpeting or floors (plus it can provide an extra sound barrier if needed). Having everything you need in arms reach and staying comfortable is key to remaining focused.

Have a Purpose

You mustn’t see indoor riding as a chore. Go into each session with a positive mental attitude and keep reminding yourself of your goals and the purpose of your workout. Sitting on the bike and spinning away while staring at the wall is only going to make you bored and frustrated fast. To get the most out of your workout, you need to have a purpose and something to help motivate you along the way. You should be able to think of at least one reason how the trainer can help you get better today for your training session.

Here’s a list of nine ways the trainer can benefit you:

  1. Quality and efficient work
  2. Improve endurance
  3. Work on pedaling technique and form
  4. Even out imbalances (one leg dominant)
  5. Maintain and get more comfortable in the aero position
  6. Adjust new cleats or get used to new shoes
  7. Improve your cadence
  8. Increase power for time trial/races
  9. Become a more efficient climber

Fuel Up

Fluids are important to keep your core temperature down and to replace the energy you’re burning. Make sure you hydrate well, because, without wind or air movement, you sweat more. A good rule of thumb is to sip every 10 minutes. When riding for more than an hour don’t forget to take in calories.

Quick Tips

  • The first time you ride inside, give yourself 15 to 30 minutes to get everything just right. Once you’ve made sure your bike is level, hop on and pedal for a few minutes.
  • To improve any weaknesses, you’ll need to be consistent with your indoor workouts. Get into the habit of working on your specific weakness 2 to 3 times per week. Remember that the key to improving is consistency and finding a way to mix things up to keep your training interesting.
  • If you’re doing a long workout, consider changing bike shorts halfway through or every so often. No one likes the feel of sweat-soaked bike shorts, plus just getting off the bike and changing clothes will make you feel refreshed and energized for the rest of your workout.
  • Get out of the saddle periodically and move around. Change hand position on the bars and go in and out of aero on long rides.
  • Use a high wheel block when simulating climbing and use different muscles.
  • Make time and remove any barriers that could potentially be used as a reason not to train. One of the most common is time, so for convenience, set out your bike shorts for the next day and plan a time to ride you know you’re free.

-Coach Carly

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Carly and Tyler Guggemos built Organic Coaching in 2014 with a simple philosophy that works. The idea is to take what you have and grow it to get faster, fitter and stronger. And to do it with the time you have – not the time you wish you had.

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