You’re Welcome. Here Are My 3 Noteworthy Tips For Training With Your Partner

As athletes we are pounding the pavement, hitting the gym, training hard, and seeking out our personal best. Next time you head out the door for your workout why not grab your partner’s hand and invite them along? A growing amount of research suggests that couples who sweat together really do stay together and those people who train in pairs are more likely have to long-term results. Who doesn’t want that? 

As you know, training for a marathon or a triathlon event can be a very self-seeking feat. Especially if you are trying to punch that ticket to the Boston Marathon or the Ironman World Championships. If you are married or married with kids you know it can be challenging to manage your time with your partner and family. What if you are both athletes in chase of personal best and qualifying times? 

This is a very familiar situation for Tyler and me. We both train hard and are in pursuit of personal records and doing our absolute best. With big goals, it’s important to balance training, life outside of triathlon, and how to support each other. Whether you are both athletes or just one of you, the balance should be a point of discussion to make sure no one goes feeling underappreciated or shortchanged.

Here are my 3 tips for training and racing with your partner so you can both get support and lasting results!

1. Plan your workouts so you can do — some- – of them together.

Training with your partner can be super fun and motivating to get out the door. But it can also come with a few challenges. One may be faster than the other or warm-up at different rates. The biggest thing is to learn how to do your workouts together so you can be together. You don’t always have to run the same paces or do the same workout. It may be just starting your workout at the same time or warming up together and then doing what’s best for each person. 

2. One racer – one sherpa.

As a runner or triathlete at heart, it can be challenging to go to a race and stand on the sidelines. But you know all the hard work and what it takes to prepare and get ready for race day. Your job is to be the best damn sherpa for your partner. Carry all the “extras”, have their pre-race nutrition, go out and cheer, be there for them at the end. Be the best sherpa out there on race, do it for your partner!  


3. Find time away from running.

As runners and triathletes, we can get obsessive about our workouts, nutrition, rest and recovery, pretty much anything – you name it!  But we still have to remember to hold on tight to our loved ones, our better half, through both training and non-training journeys and continue to support each other through the good (amazing race results) and the bad (injury). Your real race is your commitment to each other! Find something that you love to do together outside of training, get a regular babysitter, and go do it!

-Coach Carly

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Carly and Tyler Guggemos built Organic Coaching in 2014 with a simple philosophy that works. The idea is to take what you have and grow it to get faster, fitter and stronger. And to do it with the time you have – not the time you wish you had.

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